Author: Helen Yuill

Agroecology, school gardens, and healthy school meals

Indiana Montoya and Yorlis Luna describe how children, teachers, university students and parents in the rural schools in Los Copeles and San Miguelito have worked together on school gardens that provide healthy ingredients for school meals and bring communities together. “I thought agroecology was only organic farming 
 but now I...

Climate Justice: the Nicaragua perspective

Thousands of events will be taking place around the UK  during the Great Big Green Week 18 - 26 September. Find out how you can get involved locally! Nicaragua is but one example of a developing country with its most marginalised citizens suffering the worst consequences of a climate crisis for...

Building homes, building community solidarity – the co-operative way

Winnie Narvåez Herrera interviewed Yadira Aguirre and Margine Martínez, members of a housing co-operative in a small rural community in La Dalia in mountainous northern Nicaragua. Like every other country, Nicaragua needs more affordable housing. To address  the shortage, in many places community-based solutions are being implemented through shared responsibility between the...

From transforming nature to transforming ourselves

On 9 August the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued the starkest report ever warning of the ‘code red for humanity’ of the climate emergency. However the scientists also stated that a catastrophe can be avoided but only if the world acts fast. UN Secretary General António Guterres said: "If...

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