Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign

Event Sat 20 July: The Nicaraguan Revolution 45 Years on: global solidarity in a changing world

Saturday 20 July, 2.00- 4.30 BST in person at Marx Memorial Library, 37a Clerkenwell Rd, London EC1R 0DU  or via Zoom.  All participants will be sent a zoom link on registration.  

“We see youth in North America rising up in protest, the condemnation of the genocide that is being committed against the Palestinian people. The protests are multiplying not only in North America, but in every country of our planet. The rulers…are unmasking themselves.” – Daniel Ortega, 30 April 2024

On 19 July, as Nicaragua celebrates the 45th anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution, a reconfiguration of global power is playing out as rage escalates internationally at the genocide being committed in Gaza with arms and political support from the US, UK, EU and other allies.

In this emerging multipolar world, voices of the South are being raised as one against US efforts to dominate and force other countries to follow its will.

Progressive governments across Latin America and Africa are united in their condemnation of US efforts to flout international law and to impose illegal coercive measures (sanctions) on countries who fail to submit to their control.

This meeting will celebrate Nicaragua’s achievements and look at the country’s support for Palestine in the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Speakers will also examine how unity of the South has such an important role to play in securing peace and justice for all and an end to US efforts at control and domination.


His Excellency Dr Carlos Arguello, Nicaraguan Ambassador to the Netherlands and Nicaragua’s representative to the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Her Excellency Ismara Mercedes Vargas Walter, Cuban Ambassador to the UK

Ruby Cox, Member of the NSCAG Executive Committee

Chair: Roger McKenzie, International Editor of the Morning Star

We are hoping that it will be possible during the meeting to show some video footage of the Nicaraguan anniversary celebrations on 19 July.

Click here to register for this event





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